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Image by Bulkan Evcimen

Class Expectations

"Science and every day life cannot and should not be separated."

- Anonymous

"Science is simply common sense at its best."

- Thomas Huxley

Grading & Class Policies: Class Policies

LCCPS Mission

LCCPS will become and be known as a school that is academically rigorous; with high performing students and a faculty that is able to meet the needs of each individual child – whether a new immigrant child, gifted child, child with special needs, a child with a physical disability, an English Language Learner, an emotionally needy child or just quirky- in a way that creates a healthy community and children with healthy self confidence. We will be a school where self-esteem is built on achievement and self-control, including taking responsibility for one’s own choices. We will create an inventive and joyful environment, where learning is valued. 

LCCPS will be known as a high performing school for ELL learners and other underserved populations, performing above the state averages and 75% of our students will be proficient by the end of grade 8. Students will become proficient in the English language, reading, writing, listening and speaking. We will offer a math curriculum that prepares students for Algebra by grade 8. We will continue to provide arts education, a culturally responsive curriculum and enrichment activities that expand the vision and experience of our diverse, urban learners both in school and in our afterschool program. We will fight the digital divide with the integration of instruction and technology into the curriculum and increased access to technology in afterschool. 

LCCPS will partner with our families to build a strong community that advocates for our students and shares a common value around the importance of education. We will seek to provide services that improve the lives of our students and families. LCCPS will create bonds and connections for our students with significant adult models, who will encourage, challenge and hold the vision of achievement for our students, academically, athletically, emotionally and socially. We will be the voice in their heads, saying you can do it, there is no “can’t” at LCCPS. We believe in you, we care about you, you will not be allowed to fail here.


Every day an assignment is late will warrant 10% off the grade for that project. If you receive lower than a 70% on any graded assignment, you have the opportunity to make up that assignment for up to a 70%.

Your Work

I always encourage working together and participating in class. We will also use Kagan methods for skillful learning and 7 Habits Every time you answer a question you are doing your classmates a huge favor: chances are they were thinking of the same question. You may work together, but you need to think independently. You cannot copy anyone else's work.

Image by David Watkis


Grading & Class Policies: Class Policies

Formative Assignments

40% of your overall grade. These consist of quizzes and tests that evaluate how you are learning material throughout this course. 

  • Basic quizzes

  • Vocabulary tests

  • Smaller lab assignments

Summative Assignments

60% of your overall grade. These consist of quizzes and tests that evaluate how much someone has learned throughout a unit.

  • Bigger labs​

  • In-depth assessments

  • Self-directed projects

Weighted Grading Categories

Grades 4-8



Also Includes:

  • Major Projects

  • Major Labs

  • Major Writing Assignments



Also Includes:

  • Open Responses

  • Minor Writing Assignments

  • Chapter Questions



  • All take home work



Grading & Class Policies: Schedule
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